Release Notes
V1.1 (Beta)
We are pleased to announce the release of LITESOPH version 1.1 (beta), which brings a range of enhancements and updates to improve your experience and productivity. Below are the key changes in this release:
Workflow Mode Enhancements:
General Improvements: Integration of Pump-Probe across all engines, and resolution of cloning issues for all workflows, except for Pump-Probe.
- Engine Specific Updates:
GPAW: Fully operational (Previously, pump probe was not working properly)
OCTOPUS: All features now functional; previously, only “Compute Spectrum” was operational.
Task Mode Updates:
Enhanced post-processing capabilities including Compute Spectrum, Masking, KSD, and Molecular Orbital Population.
Successful integration of all the engines in task mode.
Automaticly updates to task dependencies to use the most recent related task.
User Interface and Usability Improvements:
GUI Enhancements: Immediate updates in the OCTOPUS script upon GUI changes.
Laser Design: Refined units on the multiple lasers page for precise design.
Script Adjustments: Accurate reflection of box dimension changes in scripts.
Stability Improvements: ‘Proceed’ button remains disabled until task completion.
‘Proceed’ button takes you back to the main page in task mode.
Documentation and Support:
Extensive updates to documentation for clearer guidance and support.
Future Updates:
- Under Development:
Development of cloning functionality for the Pump-Probe workflow.
Windows compatibility efforts to enhance accessibility.
Multiplicity option and Spin unrestricted calculation are currently disabled.
Implementing more features for NwChem.
Integration of TAS in task mode.
- Ongoing works:
Non-Adiabatic dynamics
QMMM tools for large scale systems
Plasmonicity Index calulator
Aggregate Hamiltonian mapper