Source code for litesoph.common.engine_manager

from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from typing import List, Dict, Any
import copy
from litesoph.common.task import TaskNotImplementedError

[docs] class EngineManager(ABC): """Base class for all litesoph engines. parameters ---------- Name: name of the engine. implemented_tasks: list of task identifiers of the tasks that are implemented. implemented_workflows: list of workflow identifiers of the workflows that are implemented. """ NAME : str = '' implemented_tasks: List[str] = [] implemented_workflows: List[str] = []
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_task(self, config, workflow_type, task_info, dependent_task): """This class checks if a task is implemented and if it is implemented it returns the task object else raises a TaskNotImplementedError.""" ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_default_task_param(self, name, dependent_task): """This mentods return the default parameters for a given particular task.""" ...
[docs] def get_task_list(self): """This method returns the list of implemented tasks in this engine""" task_list = copy.deepcopy(self.implemented_tasks) return task_list
@abstractmethod def get_workflow(self, name): ...
[docs] def get_workflow_list(self): """This method returns the list of implemented tasks in this engine""" workflow_list = copy.deepcopy(self.implemented_workflows) return workflow_list
[docs] def check_task(self, name): """This method checks if a given task is implemented in this engine if not it raises a TaskNotImplementedError""" if not name in self.implemented_tasks: raise TaskNotImplementedError(f'{name} is not implemented in {self.NAME}.')