GUI View Modules

Modules for creating a new GUI View Page or updating existing ones. Mainly deals with tkinter class and objects. Refer to tkinter for more details.

Modules under LITESOPH


Includes templated view designs.

Class View

Tkinter Frame template for generic LITESOPH page.


Defines a parent frame to hold multiple sub-frames. Includes class methods to create widgets for job submit.

Class InputFrame

Tkinter Frame template for collecting LITESOPH inputs.


  • master: (ttk.Frame) Parent tkinter frame

  • fields: (dict) Nested dictionary for inputs defined by example dictionary

  • visible_state: (dict): dictionary with key(defined in fields)-value(initial visible_state boolean)

  • padx: (int)

  • pady: (int)

  • column_minsize: (int)

Definition : fields

To define a nested dictionary structure with following format

key : string variable assigned for the input parameter

value : dictionary with description of the input parameters and respective widgets.

    "tab": 'Tab name assigned for the input key(default: Main)',
    "group": 'Group name under the tab if applicable',
    "text": 'Text to display',
    "help": 'Additional details to the input key',
    "widget": 'Type of tkinter widget',
    "default_value": 'Default value',
    "values": 'List of values (for Combobox widget type)',
    "type": 'Variable type (assigned from default_value/values if not explicitly defined)',
    "visible": 'Boolean for show/hide the input on default view',
    "switch_keys": 'Toggle condition for dependencies with preceeding keys defined'


Creates single or multiple tabs defined under the Parameters: fields

Relevant Methods

  • init_widgets( )

    Method to handle defaults. Sets the default values from fields option, by default. Updates defaults from var_values if ignore_state is False

    • fields: dictionary with key and default values

    • ignore_state: boolean to check whether to update the assigned defaults or not

    • var_values: dictionary to update required set of input defaults

  • trace_variables( )

    Method to trace the events on any update of widgets using switch_keys defined with fields. Needs modification for cases beyond simple switch conditions

  • get_values( )

    Method to collect selected field values. Returns a dictionary of the same.

Added Tkinter Widgets

  • ttk.Combobox

  • ttk.Checkbutton

  • ttk.Entry

  • ttk.SpinBox


Instructions for creating/modifying GUI frames under LITESOPH inputs

Creating a new GUI frame

  1. Refer to Class View to inherit the LITESOPH defined frames, if applicable. Alternatively, create new tkinter frame as the parent frame.

  2. Define the Parameters : fields.

  3. Initiate the InputFrame class with Parameters : fields

  4. Modify the method trace_variables( ) to add more control to the widgets

  5. Use the method get_values() to get the set of selected input parameters

  6. The default values gets assigned from Parameters : fields. To customise the defaults, use the method init_widgets( ).

Updating the existing frames

  1. Update items to Parameters : fields

  2. Cross-check the method trace_variables( ) to consider additional control of widgets

Visual Parameters Modules



Methods for customised font designs, widget attributes