LITESOPH Visualization Toolkit

LITESOPH Visualization Toolkit provides functionalities to plot and visualize simulation data. Current features include line plot, scatter plot, histogram and visualization of cube file(s) as movie rendered using blender.

Modules, Functions and Working

  • Module litesoph/visualization/ handles the frontend and backend of the standalone visualization toolkit.

    1. class GuiAppTemplate: handles the creation of GUI framework.

    2. class CommonGraphParam: inherits class GuiAppTemplate and responsible for handling common functionalities and features among different types of plot

    3. class LinePlot: handles plotting of Line, Scatter and Histogram Plot

    4. class ContourPlot: handles plotting of contour plot

    5. class CubeFilePlot: handles loading and visualization of cube files as movie

    6. class LSVizApp: inherits all the above plot classes and run the app.

  • How to add a new plot?

    1. Create a custom class for the new plot and inherit class CommonGraphParam.

    2. Define the methods and GUI controls required by the custom plot.

    3. Inherit the custom class to class LSVizApp and append custom class methods to class LSVizApp