Welcome to LITESOPH’s Documentation!

The LITESOPH project is aimed at developing a comprehensive toolkit to launch, monitor, manage and analyze large-scale simulations of photo-induced phenomena in a high-performance computing (HPC) environment. It is designed to serve the needs of computational researchers interested in solar energy conversion applications (photovoltaics, water-splitting catalysts, solar fuels, etc.), optoelectronic materials, photochemistry and photobiology. The toolkit consists of several Python-based layers driven by popular and open-source TDDFT codes like OCTOPUS, GPAW and NWChem.

LITESOPH is the abbreviated form of Layer Integrated Toolkit and Engine for Simulations Of Photo-Induced Phenomena. It is a GUI-based software to perform the ground state DFT and TDDFT calculations using three engines: GPAW, NWChem and Octopus.
